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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Time To Care

I would like to welcome you all to my blog. You've probably heard of me from Fallensword. My name their is Forglory, the same person that floods the shoutbox with free fsp deals. Let me start by saying, what I do in FS in only an example, a small scale model, of what we need to do in todays world. I cannot stop to tell you the numerous times I have received messages lacking the respect and honor that I deserve. In todays society, with the terror going across the entire world, it is time for those that want to make a difference, to step up. Random acts of kindness, may seem to you as pointless, but they add up and make a difference. Respect is something that everyone, regardless of race or nationality should know. Respect is not something that comes natural to people today, which it should. Today, you cannot turn on the tv without seeing something negative. If all those individuals out there that had the ability to make a difference actually stepped up, would the world be any better? I would bet my bottom dollar that it couldn't be any worse. Todays youth, myself included, need to realize that we have the ability to change the world for the better or for the worse. Our decisions and how we lead our life make that decision for us. If we choose to uphold respect, honor, dignity and perseverance, we can make this world a great place. A little at a time. Please share your opinions on this matter. Thanks.


Unknown said...

I hope that I am not one of the people who have not shown due respect. I am RowanSF and my brother is Truebred. I sometimes get in a hurry typing and may seem ungrateful or disrespectful. I do not mean to come across that way.
It truly has been a pleasure knowing you. I think that this blog prooves a very good point. I think that we should be more kind to people so that the world can be a better place. I always try to do what's right. Good luck in life ForGlory.

Kevin said...

You are a great person, not unkind at all. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Vellam said...

I enjoyed reading your Blog. Its nice to know there are players on FS who are not just out for their own gains. I am a founder of a new Guild, and I get more satisfaction from giving someone help and advice, than when they donate Gold & FSP to the Guild, I like to remember these few words.. they may mean nothing to some people, but to me, they are my Bible (as I am not religeous). Never sleep on an arguement, as you may never get a chance to apologise. Tell the people closest to you, that you love them everyday, as that will mean more to them than all the riches in the world. I wish that the world was a better place, but if you make your way through life trying your best, you are the World, and in the end it is those people that will overcome the hurdles our planet faces. Take care ForGlory, and keep doing what your doing, you are a breath of fresh air. :)

fallensword master said...

im not so good at these things but ill try.i think all these wars r going to destroy this world.the more wars the less people. i also think that we all should just get along and tell the truth.

Unknown said...

what you are saying is true. i feel we need to move away from the material. then and only then will common people be heard. money deafens everyone. if you have the money the great home and what socitey conceders normal. you are heard. also people have to pull their heads out the old religious dogma and see that everyone is different but we are all humans. with the same feelings and needs.

Unknown said...

my fs name is moonelder.

Viticus said...

All I know Is Im always looking forward to a new contest because I love being Tested....Great way to make a difference...gotta start small and work your way up...Kepp up the Good work

Tigerbyte said...

When one's personal satisfaction is reliant on another person's action or reaction, we are not our own masters. To be able to do good things only for the act that we do, an not for any recognition, thanks, respect, reward, is the sign of the pure of heart. This is because, when you expect to 'get' something for what you have done and then you don't, you feel resentment..the root of anger and violence.
I guess the real question is "Can humans feel accomplishment without recognition?" Can we really care, and act upon that care, if there is not a personal reward exterior to ourselves?

Terry (fs Tigerbyte)

Unknown said...

GO FORGLORY!!!! He also has crack the code website go to his profile. He posts alota stuff about it if he keeps this up he could change like 25% of the world!

Unknown said...

I'm pollkoll on fallensword

Anonymous said...

Well to start it off i respect you. For your offers of kindness, brain teasing riddles, and for the fsp deals that everyone in FS love and know so much of. Yes i agree that people are lacking in respect now a days not only in language but also in the way they dress. But you can't really blame them all because some people don't take critasism very well and thus dress the way they think people want them to dress. The thing I am getting at is that poepel don't respect themselves when they do that. Which leads to people to other problems. The media is not helping change this, with like you said, all the negative things on the T.V. I try not to watch t.v and i hate rap with a passion and i hope everyone will help the world by learning some manners and maybe call/tell your parents and other family members that you love them and thank them for everything they have done at least once a day.

Anonymous said...

Sir you are exaclty correct

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